I have my tickets!!!!!!!!!

Motorhead in concert was the only time I use ear protection. Really, really, loud.
"If it's too loud, you're too old?" Now it should say "If it's too loud, you're ... huh? What was that?"
i'll see anthrax and motorhead in montreal on may 11th too! i don't expect some kickass gig like say slayer or blind guardian, but a couple of songs should rock! caught in a mosh, metal thrashing mad, in my world... pretty much the best ones they'll probably play! they seem to play madhouse once in a while too, hope i'll hear that one! and gung-ho! too bad they cast aside some good ol thrash classics like "time" or "stand or fall" for some rap and nu-metal mediocrity...

as for motorhead... well they kinda suck anyway... boring, annoying, powerless... and very crappy lead guitar.
I bought my tickets for the show in norfolk. I'm waiting to see if they're gonna play in DC or not. If they don't, it'll be a crime. Also, I'm working on a plan for a trip to Chicago at a nice hotel. Wake up, have a little brunch with some mimosas, then head over the Wrigley to take in a cubs game, pound some beers and some chicago dogs, go back to the hotel for a quick nap, head out to an Anthrax show.