I have myself a dilemma.

Mar 24, 2005
It's October, the year's coming to a close in just 2 short months.

It's time when I usually think back on everything I've listened to over the course of the year and decide what I think was my favorite release.

Now, A Great Divide has been my number 1 since the first time I heard it, period. I didn't think a single CD could top it, and that was after hearing new releases from bands like Symphony X, Pain of Salvation, and Porcupine Tree. I still thought you fuckers were up top without a shadow of a doubt.

Everything about A Great Divide was awesome. It was everything I had expected it to be, coming from you guys. Which was a lot. Heh.

But then the one CD I had been anticipating, the one I secretly had in the back of my head that could still possibly, maybe, take your spot, came out.

Coheed and Cambria's latest offering, "No World For Tomorrow". And I hate to admit it, but me and my friend(Made of Amazing) were hyping this album up more than we did A Great Divide. By a lot.

The dilemma is, it ended up being better than either of us ever expected it to be, and as I said ,we hyped it up A LOT. No album should deliver, let alone exceed, the amount of hype we gave that album. I don't think we'll ever get that excited over anything ever again. >_> Ever. So now I am torn over which CD I like better. Both are goddamn musical masterpieces as far as I'm concerned. It's like, two sides of the same coin for me. Suspyre on the technical, grander side of prog, and Coheed on the badass, more rock-y side of things.

Blah. Decisions decisions. Either way, I suggest you all give that album a shot, it should blow your mind.
pretty much everything he said.

even after a year i still give A Great Divide regular rotation (with the exception of recently, since i've been listening to NWFT out the ass, lol. last.fm plugged in over 300 plays this week, all of which came from CoCa. that's not including the amount i listened to it at work or recently in my car >_>). in fact, i think a bunch of the songs off of A Great Divide (Blood and Passion and The Singer especially) make up a lot of my most played songs.

however, NWFT is just really stupidly good music. neither him or i even expected it to live up to half of our expectations, but jesus it was awesome. only thing that compared this entire year (well, i do have a soft spot for Porcupine Tree's Fear of a Blank Planet and Nil Recurring albums, but i don't think it really compares in the long run. 3's release this year was pretty amazing too, actually, but it falls short of the 3-4 listed already).

so, yeah, i probably look like a tool for essentially rewording what it was Will said, but whatever. :(
just in choosing the album of the year, really.

obviously we're overexaggerating the problem some, but it's still nice to say "hey man, this particular album is really awesome and was my favorite of ___"
Sorry if I came across as an ass on my previous post - should have added a smiley or something.

I also have difficulty choosing between 2 excellent albums. For me the tops of 2007 so far are A Great Divide, God's Equation and a few others. When it comes time to finally decide it'll be a tough choice.
so, after having listened to both albums twice today, i'm still just as perplexed as before. :( i don't know how i'm going to make up my mind by the year's end.