I have to ask this cos it has been bugging me for aeons...

I enjoy this forum, but its title isnt really reflective of the majority of discussion, i would mind if it was changed to a more broader title such as metal down under or something along those lines.
Although I dont think it would really matter, chances are it would just be the same people talking about the same things in any event
There is an Australian metal forum on UM.....

Most of us like Maiden, so that's a common link at least.
I personally think it's fine the way it is. That's why I like it here, because it's mostly decent people that I know, and we just talk about whatever we feel like. If it was full of strangers talking about music, I doubt I'd come here anymore.
It's still the one of the first places I come to when I go online. It would be nice to have a bit more action here though.
Yeah i wondered the same thing too Ceydn.

I wouldnt want to see the name change, I like seeing Eddie when i come here, I knows i dont come here as often as most of you but I do like it;)