I have too much wall space


mousewings, you are übercool for liking Gorey. :)

art.com, I got my bro a kickass Kerouac poster for Xmas, I want want for meself.

Oh yeah, and I can't recommend highly enough those posterflag shits, I have a shitload up in my apartment, they are about 234958723985x better than shitty paper posters.
One Inch Man said:
Oh yeah, and I can't recommend highly enough those posterflag shits, I have a shitload up in my apartment, they are about 234958723985x better than shitty paper posters.

hell yes

They're rather hard to come by for the more obscure bands (I found a Burzum one online once actually, but that's about it) but I have a Metallica "And Justice..." one and it is fucking killer.
I have Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Danzig (solo, not the band), Tool, and Slayer ones. Very cool stuff, and as the box suggests you can use them as a scarf as well. No I've never done that, not quite that gay. If I had a girlfriend that said "hey let me wear that DIVINE INTERVENTION FUCKING SLAYER one to dinner tonight" I'd marry her.
I consider my Negura Bunget and maudlin of the Well paper posters quite kvlt.

Someday I'll check out My Dying Bride, I think I heard a sample track about 10 years ago when that HUH? magazine + CD was around, and was underwhelmed. Oh shit, I still have those, I shall dig them out right now.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just checked those CDs, it was Misery Loves Co. Those dudes were pretty craptastic.
PM me that information in like 2 weeks when my work decides to reimburse my $719 tire replacement receipt and I have some spare cash, and I shall buy it.
My posters/flags include : Graveland, RATM, Hendrix, CSNY (signed by the motherfuckers themselves), Smashing Pumpkins, a vinlandic flag, a viking raid flag.. and thats about it. They are huge posters, so it takes up lots of cool room.
niiiiiiiiice nightside poster. I'd love to have one like that. I think I have a picture of my totally awesome graveland poster somewhere....
You can buy them straight from PHD :) Relatively cheap too! I actually found a place near me to have my photos made into posters, so my plan once I'm feeling rich is to have some of those blown up and framed!

@NicodemiX - 34.788% owns nearly all other MDB :p That said, Turn Loose The Swans is one of the only MDB albums I don't have, so :)