I have too much wall space

34.8745454% Complete had two good songs and the rest filler if i remember correctly, much like all their albums.
Erik said:
Anyhoo damn near everything pales when compared to MAKE YOURSELF ALL HONEY AND THE FLIES WILL DEVOUR YOU and I reckon most new MDB is too wimpy and washed-out.

pretty much. There is a fucking great remake of "Return of the Beautiful" from As The Flower Withers on The Dreadful Hours though.

later MDB efforts aren't bad, but without the violin it's a LOT less than it could be. I find myself listening to newer MDB stuff and ask myself why I'm not listening to Worship or Skepticism instead.
Its obvious that on the first couple of EPs and releases that they were searching for their sound. I find that back on the early releases when they said that when they said that they were doom/death, they literally had doom metal sections of songs, and the jumped into ferocious death metal parts in the same song. I think that it was even cooler because on "As The Flower Withers" they seemed to have almost this early style BOSS HM-2 all-cranked tone going on and you can see progression of style through their early releases, until yes, they hit redundancy.