I have you feeling you all will like this.


Jan 13, 2010
This is a mix of a band I recorded in the summer.
The bands name is In Reference to a Sinking Ship.
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/inreference

The guitars are a PRS Custom 24 through Pod Farm.

Drums were triggered and replaced with Slate. Used NRG room samples as well and some reverb on the snare and toms.
Overheads are real. Stereo pair.

Bass was a sansamp RBI and a Ampeg SVT-3 PRO each on separate tracks.

Vocals were running through an Rode NT-2A into my FirePod.

I was really happy with how this EP turned out, so I thought I would share it with ya'll!

Song: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5406047/Bloodline.mp3

Enjoy! :rock:
Had to listen to the song like 5 times and still counting! Really nice job! I like the overall tone of the mix, it's really ripping, in a good way! The riff in the verses reminds me of The Black Dahlia Murder.

Sir, I thank you for this listening pleasure! :)
Try reamping with a real amp!! This song would slay 100X more if you used some real amps.
Had to listen to the song like 5 times and still counting! Really nice job! I like the overall tone of the mix, it's really ripping, in a good way! The riff in the verses reminds me of The Black Dahlia Murder.

Sir, I thank you for this listening pleasure! :)

Haha cool dude! I'm glad you like it!
Yeah I remember the guitarist mentioning them as one of his influences and such.
Try reamping with a real amp!! This song would slay 100X more if you used some real amps.

I can't agree anymore haha.
But at the time I wasn't to informed with reamping.
Im starting to mess around with it now though.
You'll probably be hearing real amps in my future mixes!