I hope you're happy, Troops...


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
I forked out $13.99 today to buy what was apparently the greatest Kiss album of the 80s. Yes, I'm talking about "Lick It Up".

Not only did I WASTE $13.99, I also wasted my valuable time listening to it. "Bang Bang You" is better than this entire album! The only halfway decent song is the title track! What the hell??

You have a lot of explaining to do, Troops. You too, Wrathy. While it warms my heart to know that I've contributed once more to the Gene Simmons Retirement Fund, it pains me to know that it was by buying this monstrosity.

"Crazy Nights" - now, *there's* a great album.
Erm.... (by the way its the SECOND best after Creatures hehe)

Listen again dude. Listen to EXCITER. Listen to A MILLION TO ONE. Listen to NOT FOR THE INNOCENT! The title track is one of the weaker songs I think! Awesome live but boring on the album. Too slow.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: Lick It Up is much better than Crazy Nights could ever be! But don't worry I didn't like it when I first bought it either. It sat there gathering dust for a year then I got it out again to give it another go, and liked some tracks, kept listening for them, and got hooked on the whole thing. Now it's easily my 2nd fave Kiss album :)
I think Revenge is one of their best cd's.
Take no prisoner's , balls to the wall metal!!!!!!
Wished they stayed with that style a bit more :cry:
Creatures,Crazy, and i would have to say Elder are my favs!!!
Aww come on Spiffy-name one other album where you've heard a blatant homosexual do a bit of rapping??

"Hey man,I am cool-I am tha' breeze"

Ooooh-he's almost as pant-shittingly scary as Jacko in the Bad video.

Imagine if they joined forces - forget Accepts album "Balls To The Wall" - it'd be more like Bums To The Wall!
:lol: :lol:

If you can get past the "tough guy" spoken verses in All Hell's Breakin' Loose, its a killer song! Fantastic groove, great guitar solo, big catchy chorus, it rocks! One of my faves!

The video is really dodgy hehe, makes the Lick It Up video look good! :eek: :lol:
Money spent on KISS CDs is never wasted, Spiff (unless of course it's Psycho Circus). Lick it Up is one of their best and most consistent albums of any era. To compare songs like Not For The Innocent, A Million To One, All Hell's Breakin' Loose and Fits Like A Glove to keyboard-soaked drek like Bang Bang You is a transgression beyond all forgiveness. Go and listen again. You can thank me later :).

Originally posted by Wrathchild
Money spent on KISS CDs is never wasted, Spiff (unless of course it's Psycho Circus). Lick it Up is one of their best and most consistent albums of any era. To compare songs like Not For The Innocent, A Million To One, All Hell's Breakin' Loose and Fits Like A Glove to keyboard-soaked drek like Bang Bang You is a transgression beyond all forgiveness. Go and listen again. You can thank me later :).


What he said :)

Crazy Nights is the great album in the Kiss catalogue. Brilliant album. Great album. And Bang Bang You, while the worst song on the album, is still an excellent song.
Bang Bang You isn't the worst imo.

No No No and Thief In The Night are definitely worse. No No No has killer guitar work though... shame about the vocals.
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Money spent on KISS CDs is never wasted, Spiff (unless of course it's Psycho Circus). Lick it Up is one of their best and most consistent albums of any era. To compare songs like Not For The Innocent, A Million To One, All Hell's Breakin' Loose and Fits Like A Glove to keyboard-soaked drek like Bang Bang You is a transgression beyond all forgiveness. Go and listen again. You can thank me later :).

:confused: I actully liked "Psycho Circus" well you can't account for good taste..........:lol: