I just became the luckiest person I know.

he sings with such conviction, as if his message is deep and important, but its impossible to take him seriously with those ridiculous one-finger gloves.

Damn, I need to take an enormous shit right now. Should I hold it, go to the bathroom, or just go on my desk?

Either way, I'm probably going to wait to do it, because I like the suspense.
hey, if it's legit, good for you! no, you're not alone in your skills, not by a long shot. not everyone with skills equal to yours or better gets such opportunities. so yeah, check it out. if it will give you a real paycheck, then awesome. if anything seems fishy then back out.

i sense POSSIBLE jealousy with some of the posts i've read...possibly. i'm going to raise my e-penis right now just for the hell of it.

My thoughts, as are those of many others here, are "Bullshit!" in at least seven different languages.

First, why red-black trees? Why not some basic understanding of cryptography, or notable exploits?

Second, why are you throwing this secret program around? Wouldn't this be the kind of thing that was advertised publicly were it not for fear of script kiddies thinking they were qualified?

Third, did you write the virus yourself? I once gave a floppy to someone and instructed him to sudo sh funbox - does that make him a hacker? Fuck no.

Fourth, why would *not* going to college be good? Clearly, you are a true genius and master of computers whose floppy-disk-insertion skills will be the stuff of legends, but are you sure you're above a formal education in your life's work? The government is after me, because I'm looking to study mathematical cryptography, and I have six-figure offers myself, so I know the feeling of having big numbers ahead, but the stupidest thing I could do right now is drop my current education path because that's what destroys the limits that hold us back and limit us to one or two architectures, one or two operating systems, one or two exploit types - are you actually considering going straight into tech work and not going to college?

Fourth, why would *not* going to college be good? Clearly, you are a true genius and master of computers whose floppy-disk-insertion skills will be the stuff of legends, but are you sure you're above a formal education in your life's work? The government is after me, because I'm looking to study mathematical cryptography, and I have six-figure offers myself, so I know the feeling of having big numbers ahead, but the stupidest thing I could do right now is drop my current education path because that's what destroys the limits that hold us back and limit us to one or two architectures, one or two operating systems, one or two exploit types - are you actually considering going straight into tech work and not going to college?


hah, AGREED!
Go to college!!
Honestly Redkef, I do not know if the story is tue or not, and quit frankly, I don;t really care. I don't mean it in a bad way btw, unlike others here:
I couldn;t care less if it's true or not, and I will wish you best of luck
in which ever way you choose, true story or not,
However : I agree 100% qith Jeff: get an education: your brain and computer abilities will still be there when you're done!!

Good luck!:)
Fucking hell I wish someone would pay me more money, considering how utterly better than everyone else I am. At almost everything.