I just bought a playstation 3.

I'm nearly through MGS4 and it was the most intense game-experience, EVER. Hell, I think it's clearly the BEST GAME, I ever played.
Well MGS1 is definitely the best story wise, but if you don't know 2 or 3 you'll be completely lost Felix, trust me on this! Of course, 2 and 3 are fucking INCREDIBLE, so I'd recommend just playing them (many, many times :D) and then getting MGS4!
Im on my second xbox. My first one died on CHRISTMAS FUCKIN DAY 07.
I put assassins creed in and kaput. Dead.

Pretty fucken lame.
Bought one of the newer ones the day after in the hope that I'd get one of the newer, more reliable ones. This one's been going around the same amount of time my first one lasted, but since I got the nwer one I eased off a bit on the gaming. Since I finished FEAR 2 it's been a glorified DVD player.

OT: Really want a PS3. MGS4 = GIVE PLZ. And Killzone 2 looks mighty impressive.