I just completed a drawing.


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
First time posting here...
Well, a little introduction. I'm Jordan, 20 years old, from Israel. Would like to be known as an artist. I draw and paint. Haven't tried my skills with music yet.

Anyways, I just finished today a piece that I've been working on for a few months.

Please check it out and tell me what you think :)

That is fantastic! You've got amazing talent. Sorry to hear about your father and grandfather, I'm sure they'd be proud.
Sorry about your losses :(
A really good drawing though, I hope you find relief in your art. All the best and much strength :)
Awesome drawing :) Could've coloured it more dark though, IMHO, but that's just my poinion and I'm not questioning your awesome talent. I wouldn't even have the patience to work on a drawing for more tha na few days :lol:
Thanks. I know it was kind of bright but that's due to scanning. I uploaded a darker version which is as close to the real thing as it gets.
Thanks for the compliments. I gather by your post that you also do art. Do you have a gallery?