I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Jul 4, 2003

These books only get better and better.

There were some intense moments and a few nice twists in the story, and the ending was pretty heavy for what's sold as a kiddie book (it's not really, it's more of a general audience kinda thing).

JK Rowling really knows how to create characters you either love or love to hate. Plus the world she's imagined is just nice and neat and nifty and...well you get the idea.

So on to the Goblet of Fire I suppose, and after that the Order of the Pheonix:).
Welcome to my world... in a few weeks you'll have finished #5 as well, and you too will be having a post-harry potter depression, and go into withdrawal....
Im jealous you still have #4 and #5 to go, the best is just starting... anytime you want to talk about the books let me know :p
Hell, I'm already having withdrawel symptons right now:)!

I read like the last 12 chapters today cause I start a new job tomorrow and I wanted to get the rest out of the way while I train.

Hopefully my withdrawel symptons will be light as I still have several books I wanna read after I finish Order of the Pheonix. Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley (the man's a riot) and another by him called Wet Work. After that I wanna re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogy before Return of the King hits theaters. And after that I still need to read We The Living by Ayn Rand (I've had it since March but I've been lazy about it).

Also, I figure after a while I should start hunting down the Hitchhikers Guide series, cause I'm a huge geek and I don't think I can call myself a proper geek if I haven't read that series.
i still have yet to read any harry potter books. most people (who have actually read them) tell me they are worth a try. think i'll pick one up soon.
Caelestia you must try them. I was very anti- Harry (this was about the time of the 3rd book being launched) until Mark bought me a copy of the first book. I read it in 3 days and then went and bought all the others. They are just wonderful, and get darker and darker as the books progress.

Diesal - you're going to love Phoenix. I think in some ways its my favourite. I'm reading the Bang Bang Club at the moment, but after that I'm going to re-read Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. :) And I'm actually excited about it! woo! :D
diesel said:

These books only get better and better.

There were some intense moments and a few nice twists in the story, and the ending was pretty heavy for what's sold as a kiddie book (it's not really, it's more of a general audience kinda thing).

JK Rowling really knows how to create characters you either love or love to hate. Plus the world she's imagined is just nice and neat and nifty and...well you get the idea.

So on to the Goblet of Fire I suppose, and after that the Order of the Pheonix:).

You're really trying to force me to read this books, aren't you?
Is it working:cool:?

Didja get my email:D?

BigBronco4x4 said:
Before any of those other ones you should read "The Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin if you haven't already. That is excellent.

I shall endeavor to do that, sir:).
dreamwatch said:
Diesal - you're going to love Phoenix. I think in some ways its my favourite. I'm reading the Bang Bang Club at the moment, but after that I'm going to re-read Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. :) And I'm actually excited about it! woo! :D

Hehehe, you said, "Bang!"
Caelestia said:
i still have yet to read any harry potter books. most people (who have actually read them) tell me they are worth a try. think i'll pick one up soon.

*Locks you in a small, poorly lit room with all the Harry Potter books and surrounded by armed guards*
diesel said:
*Locks you in a small, poorly lit room with all the Harry Potter books and surrounded by armed guards*

hahaha im torn between wanting to force everyone to read the books, because i know theyll love them, and not wanting anyone else to read them, because theyre mine, my books, my precious... there are enough fans already...

but ive converted all of my friends already ... i should start a church
BigBronco4x4 said:
Before any of those other ones you should read "The Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin if you haven't already. That is excellent.

That series is fucking awesome!! Too bad that the author recently said that the next book is going to be delayed.
diesel said:

These books only get better and better.

There were some intense moments and a few nice twists in the story, and the ending was pretty heavy for what's sold as a kiddie book (it's not really, it's more of a general audience kinda thing).

Loved that one, my favorite Harry Potter (haven't read the last one yet).
Rodrigo said:
That series is fucking awesome!! Too bad that the author recently said that the next book is going to be delayed.

I know, it's already over two years since the last book was released, and while I am still excited about it it's really frustrating and I'm losing interest, a main reason is cos I'm forgetting everything that has happened. I am used to discovering or getting suggestions for things to read many years after the series began so I end up not having to wait for a book to come out, all of them already have. The "Wheel of Time" series is a good example of this.
BigBronco4x4 said:
I know, it's already over two years since the last book was released, and while I am still excited about it it's really frustrating and I'm losing interest, a main reason is cos I'm forgetting everything that has happened. I am used to discovering or getting suggestions for things to read many years after the series began so I end up not having to wait for a book to come out, all of them already have. The "Wheel of Time" series is a good example of this.

Exactly! I am going to probably have to read the last book again to remind myself of everything or hopefully it will have a good summary at the beginning like the Dark Tower books does. The DT and Song of Ice and Fire are the only series I am reading that havent been released in completion and I am hating myself for doing that and waiting and waiting...