I just got the best job ever...


OneMetal.com Music Editor
From Monday at 9:00am, I'm going to be working for a company that sells and distributes disposable incontinence pants. How fucking weird is that? I didn't even realise that's what the place does... I just saw this vacancy in my Jobcentre, office administration, entering customer details onto a database, filing, photocopying, answering phones, yadda yadda yadda... so I sent off an application form and CV.

So I go to the interview a week later, and the woman's absolutely loving me, impressed with my exam results, kills for my previous work experience, even reveals that she used to be an old-school metalhead herself and expresses jealousy that I've been to see Iron Maiden... I'm thinking, 'yeah, got this in the bag'. Then she asks if there's anything I want to know, and I'm like 'well, just what sort of work would I be doing?' - and she goes off on this almost defensive rant about the great work they do giving incontinent people's lives back to them! I must have got the job just through my ability to keep a straight face...

The best thing ever though, is the fact that the customer service department handles home deliveries! That's right, when bed-wetters run out of rubber pants, they phone up the CS department and order a new six-month supply over the phone! I can't wait to start answering those phone-calls...
I was booted out of my last job two weeks before Christmas because the money men at Index decided budget cuts were required in my department, so temporary agency staff immediately got the boot. This means I've spent the Christmas and New Year's period pretty much scraping together bus fare to take me and my girlfriend out anywhere. Add to that the fact that my 21st birthday is just under three weeks away, and you can probably see why I'm chuffed to be earning money again, even if it is in the sale and distribution of incontinence pants... :)
Cheers. I swear that last sentence didn't have so many brackets when I sent it off.. Have you tried my crossword? You can win a sunbscription to the magazine! I'm doing the news from next issue, which should be entertaining :grin:

Seriously, you should do what I did and just email the editor a bunch of your reviews... Worked for me :cool:
This is awesome, just 2 nights ago I was talking about how I wanted to go back to wearing diapers, now I have a connection!
piss pants?
gotta be better than working in fucking index anyway
i went bankrupt owing them a fair amount of money.... oh dear

zero tolerance is cool
the only 'mainstream' UK metal mag to review scald - headworm
even if it was in the demo section (?)
but thats ok cos danny boy lilker wrote it :)

terrorizer never bothered even though we sent them 2

they fucking would if we advertised... :Puke:
You gotta have something like this on your resume just to break the ice with your next prospective employer. "So, er, what exactly did you do at your last job?". Haha.

Secondly, how did Zero Tolerance come up? More importantly, Desolation? Is that band getting somewhere? I think I remember one of the guys used to post on UM back in the Hate Pit days. Fond memories...
I see...

...anyway, wonder if Dill's new company has a "used section". :loco:

JayKeeley said:
Desolation? Is that band getting somewhere? I think I remember one of the guys used to post on UM back in the Hate Pit days. Fond memories...

They're now signed to Shadowflame Productions (label run by Thus Defiled) and release their new album sometime soon? Cool guys, I interviewed them for Zero Tolerance :)
Yeah, I just happened to bring up Zero Tolerance 'cause Russ replied to the thread, and I read his bits in Zero Tolerance just the other day.

Sadly, I don't think PaperPak has a returns policy, or a used section... hehehe... today was my first day, and I generally spent it putting through prescriptions of re-usable, washable stretch pants and disposable pads (contoured, discreet or winged? Choice is yours...)