so, I just got the funniest voicemail ever.

Aye, great time, definately worth the very high amount of money to get there. god sleeping with Reuben! ;)
Kvlt Wench said:


Who's the dude behind Rueb?
and btw, Tyler, what ever you're doing, it looks perfectly safe :lol:

haha nice one Eric, COKE IS METAL!!!

there's a hole in your cross!!!

Who are those guys? I dont know them.


awww! love this one :)
By the way, the reason for the lack of alcohol in said pictures was that it was litterally buried under the camp site, for there was law enforcement in the area.

Fun night though, till I went bar hoping and wasted more money then I thought I could waste in bars.
Ha ha. Owned. That night ruled. Regretful at times, but grand nonetheless.