I just had the funniest thing happen to me...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
so, I'm sitting in my room bored... so I text my friend who I'm waiting to get off of work at 7-11...

"Dude, I'm just gonna bomb the fucking 7-11 so you can get off work"...

20 minutes later I get a call from Murray City Police...

Apparently sometime in that 20 minutes his boss read the text message over his shoulder, called the cops, evacuated the store, and 6 cop cars and 2 fire trucks show up. :lol:

I was notified of this from a call from the Murray City Police.

He told me its up to the city if I'm getting charged or not, I explained our sense of humor to this dull fuck, but he didn't seem to understand. Even my friend tried to explain it, to no avail. I didn't help things by laughing on the phone when he was explaining the situation to me, cause, its god damned funny that because of one nosy bastard several people were pulled off duty.

Oh well... we shall see what comes of this! :lol:
As far as I know, the most I can get out of it is 5 years and 5000 dollar fine... but, as I talked with the cop, due to it being a misunderstanding being of someones noseyness, it'll probably be tossed away or just a 50 dollar fine or so.

But if I do get jail time, I am going to find and murder his boss.
But if I do get jail time, I am going to find and murder his boss.

The boss is probably reading that post right now :lol:

But eh...good luck! If you sent the text message to your friend's phone then I don't see what right the boss had looking at it, even if cell phone usage is prohibited at work. What's on it is still private.
Hahah yeah.

Haven't had the police force show up guns drawn yet... so I'm in the clear so far.

If someone knocks on the door, I'm grabbing this small red button thing I have and screaming "allah akbar!" as I run out of the house towards them :lol:
Hahah yeah.

If someone knocks on the door, I'm grabbing this small red button thing I have and screaming "allah akbar!" as I run out of the house towards them :lol:

Btw here is a good tip if you go to jail ... try to find the one that everyone fears in the jail , hug him and tell him that you want to be his bitch , then no one will touch your ass except him , think about it better to have 1 macho as your pimp rather than the whole jail
You would be very surprised at how serious some people take those comments. You can't joke around like that these days unless you want the pigs all up in your ass.
You would be very surprised at how serious some people take those comments. You can't joke around like that these days unless you want the pigs all up in your ass.

Maybe that is what he wanted from the beginning
Consider whether or not you have sufficient ammo for multiple nuisance law suits and start a new hobby. There's Mr. Nosey with a 7-11 that you might fancy for your own, just for starters. Some real potential for fun, here. Start with defamation of character.
Btw here is a good tip if you go to jail ... try to find the one that everyone fears in the jail , hug him and tell him that you want to be his bitch , then no one will touch your ass except him , think about it better to have 1 macho as your pimp rather than the whole jail
you go to jail... guys in there for murder, robbery, arson... and you're there for a fucking text message. i think they're all just gonna stay away from you.
That is to totally stupid man....

But, in this day and age, with homeland security and shit, it is all fuked up. I have a guy at work, got busted for buying drugs over a cellphone and it immeadatly became a felony. This was due to 911 and the fact that an illegal substance (doesnt matter, drugs, bombs, whatever) was purchased with a cellphone. Had Homeland security come into our building, with like for guys, cuff him, and take him away. BTW, this was for a very small personal amount of drugs. This carries a minimum of 10 years..... :Puke: