I just did the strangest thing

wait for the day when you're not in school, not in college, kicking back, going to class a few hours a day, studying a little...you're getting your ass out of bed at 6:a.m., going to a job where other people who are stupider than you tell you what to do, and you're biting and scratching and clawing for every filthy dollar just to keep your head above water, just when you think you have a little breathing room your car breaks down, aw fuck it :lol:
"we are all just spinning in this useless hole in time... on our way into the black unknown..." :D

living itself is one big satisfaction. :hypno:
das ist richtig.

all we can do is try and enjoy the good things we can grab off the tree of life.
Hey, at least you've got a job to KEEP you above water. I'm three days, five hours and seven minutes away from being homeless. :rolleyes:
but, dear, for instance, I don't have health, which means that my nose is kinda under the water and only eyes are above it, so that I can check the shitty situ all the time...

BTW, why don't you do something about it? you can't find a job, or are you just like my brother who doesn't know what/doesn't want to work?