I just got the Forest Stream CD yesterday...

hehee it is hard to find ppl that dont like FS. That is good, now all we need is more material from FS!!! (and a world tour) lol. in a couple of years hopefully.
2 Death Balde
Well, there are plenty of those actually. We are just hated in our own town by the way. Because we are arrogant, gay, unprofessional and pathetic. At least that's what they say. I mean those who never met us:)) A paradox tho. LOL. And I bet we are more famous abroad than in Russia :)) That's life :)
New material is coming, touring will start next year :)
Sonm said:
And I bet we are more famous abroad than in Russia :)) That's life :)
New material is coming, touring will start next year :)

That's what I've told you, Sonm, about our talanted bands you know :erk:
P.S. I wanted to say that I still can't find Forest Stream cd :( Where do you hide them? ;) But I d-loaded the track from your site. It sounds good. I need more! :headbang:
It sounds beautiful and sad
I hope, DeathBlade, I'm still a metalheader ;)
I ordered 'Tears of Mortal Solitude' today from Earache's webstore.. $6.00 for the aural pleasure it's sure to bring. I can't wait to get it!!!!