I just noticed Billy is thanked on WCFYA


New Metal Member
Feb 14, 2002
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Did I miss the resolution to the mess Billy spit out in that interview a while back? I thought Scott was pretty pissed, as he well should have been. If they put it to bed and got past it, great, but I missed that tidbit floating out. I've had plenty of PO'ed moments with bud's that get resolved, so I'd understand, but I need info here as to what happened here.


PS, Now more that ever........
"Fuck the Middle East
There's too many problems
They just get in the way
We sure could live with out them
They hijack out planes
They raise our oil prices
We'll kill them all and have a ball
And end their FUCKIN' crisis"

We need a new end, the old version is three lines closer to 85's problems.

thedarkestknight said:
Did I miss the resolution to the mess Billy spit out in that interview a while back? I thought Scott was pretty pissed, as he well should have been. If they put it to bed and got past it, great, but I missed that tidbit floating out. I've had plenty of PO'ed moments with bud's that get resolved, so I'd understand, but I need info here as to what happened here.

Hmm... I think he was probably being sarcastic. Billy's big mouth=free publicity.
None of the above, he said that he had no problem with Billy, B just has a problem with Scott/CB and moodswings!!
They also thank ArtistDirect, I just got in some cool merchandise, Jackets en Hoodedsweats for only 4.99 by AD, check the site
Maybe all this "feud" has been planned to give Anthrax some publicity... and Milano is just a helping friend? :lol:
I don't know. When the link was posted to the Billy interview on the Anthrax main page with Scott's 2 cents, if I remember correctly, Scott said S.O.D. was dead after those comments, IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY. And Billy was ranting on and on about Scott begging for them to do a S.O.D. album and tour to make morgage payments as he was in financial trouble. IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, and crap like that. I can't find the link in my deleted emails, as my friend Farx sent it to me when it appeared here.

To be honest, the whol thing blew me away when I read it, and likewise, blew me away in the WCFYA liner notes.
