I just released a song of my own, give it a listen!


Jan 8, 2013

I just released a video playthrough of a self-produced song. I worked really hard on this and would really appreciate if you guys would give it a listen! I really tried to up my production quality on this one, so any discussion around the mixing etc is greatly encouraged as I would love to see what you think of it.

Recorded in Pro Tools 10, mixed in Pro Tools 11
Axe-Fx 2 for all guitar and bass sounds
Steven Slate Drums 4 layered with some custom samples through Kontakt for drums
Zombass 3 for bass
Xpand2 and Mini Grand for most synth/electronic stuff

Thanks in advance!
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That was actually very nice. I like the depth of it and the pads are really good. Guitars are clean and heavy. Shame you had to rely on Zombass. As an instrumental it stands up well but I wouldn't want to listen to an entire album like this. I think with heavy meshuggah-esque vocals you'd be onto something quite amazing here.
Can you please explain your method for getting the stutter effect used around the 1:30 mark. sounds cool.
The song is quite good but that snare kills the mood for me, too distracting, too big for this. Needs something to suit more the mood, without killing it.
Reminds me of Cynic/The Contortionist, great job! what are you using for video editing? final cut or sony vegas?
I like it!

Thanks so much!

That was actually very nice. I like the depth of it and the pads are really good. Guitars are clean and heavy. Shame you had to rely on Zombass. As an instrumental it stands up well but I wouldn't want to listen to an entire album like this. I think with heavy meshuggah-esque vocals you'd be onto something quite amazing here.

Thanks so much! As far as vocals goes, personally I would prefer some clean atmospheric style vocals instead of the aggressive Meshuggah-esque. But the vocals would have to be darned good for me to want to put if over my own music, haha.

Can you please explain your method for getting the stutter effect used around the 1:30 mark. sounds cool.

Of course! It's just very fast edits. I play 16th notes, and I cut down each note to a 64th note. You could probably achieve the same effect with a noise gate, though I think it would be pretty unreliable.

The song is quite good but that snare kills the mood for me, too distracting, too big for this. Needs something to suit more the mood, without killing it.

Thanks! Too bad you feel that way about the snare. /:

Reminds me of Cynic/The Contortionist, great job! what are you using for video editing? final cut or sony vegas?

Thanks! I haven't listened overly much on any of those bands, but I do know both are very competent bands, so I'll take that as a compliment. I actually edit in Powerdirector 11!
The song is quite good but that snare kills the mood for me, too distracting, too big for this. Needs something to suit more the mood, without killing it.

Yeah, it's just too loud and seems out of place. I'd cut down on the wetness and decrease the volume to fit the rest of the instruments. Very tight mix though.
Absolutely fantastic song! Video looks great aswell. :kickass:
I actually dig the snare :lol:
I'd like to hear it with some atmospheric vox though. ;)