I just saw Nile and met them!


May 26, 2002
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I arrived early to the club where they were playing to find Prince blasting out of the PA.I proceeded to head towards the stage and who should I see there but Mr.Karl Sanders,fucking dancing to Prince!No shit.
Anyway,I said hi to him and started talking to him about Prince for a while.I was really nervous chatting to him and probably said some stupid crap I dont remember but Karl is a very cool man indeed.Big Prince fan too: "Prince is a badass motherfucker!Seriously!" I told him I was going to see him in a week (True) which he said was very cool.Afterwhich,he proceeded to sing Sexy Motherfucker and dance around.I'm 100% serious.Crazy bastard.
I also met Dallas Toler-Wade who like Karl,is an extremely cool and down to earth person.He told me the main reason chief left is because he was having trouble playing the material.
Then the show happened which was incredibly enjoyable although I wish people with long hair who headbang at shows would wash their filthy fucking manes every now and then.Stinky bastards.
Dear God!!! Thats Awsome! :rock: When they come back in January I'll make note to go early, stay late, and chat with Karl. Sounds Cool. Glad ya had fun!;)
Originally posted by LordFireworm

Then the show happened which was incredibly enjoyable although I wish people with long hair who headbang at shows would wash their filthy fucking manes every now and then.Stinky bastards.

:lol: :lol:
Indeed! I have to deal with a bunch of crusty ass punks at a lot of the local shows here. The kind of people that need sprayed down with a waterhose. And having long hair myself, I try my best to keep it clean. I deal with enough filth on a daily basis.
I wish I went to see them Tuesday night, but I only realised that day that they were playing that night. Didn't have enough cash either to get on the coach up to London :(

Next time hopefully.

Who they play with, Arch Enemy wasn't it?

Originally posted by Dvoters

Who they play with, Arch Enemy wasn't it?


Nope.I wish.
Sinister and Goregotted.Sinister was pretty good but they were'nt half loud enough.Goregotted were generic gore-grind. :zzz:
I have to say I felt sorry for the female vocalist in Sinister.At one point she shouted "I wanna see a fucking pit" to which someone in the crowd replied with "I wanna see your tits".