i just saw two really neat things


Aug 2, 2002
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(1) the UPS guy was outside and his nose was so red it made me giggle and then he was like 'it's not funny!' like he totally knew what i was laughing at.

(2) i was made privy to how they change the lightbulbs on the really high ceilings here (with a long stick with a plunger thingie on the end of it)
i totally saw the guy go in the building with the plunger thingie and i was like 'whoa, wtf is that thing!?!?' and i followed him and waited for him to spring into action with it. i need one b/c our apartment has high ceilings and i am short and spent perilous amounts of time balancing on one foot trying to change our hallway light bulbs.
they're cheapish!

wow! that is really cheap!
i actually just ordered this contraption on saturday from the internet... it's like, this jack and these little wheels and you can use them to put your fridge up on wheels to move it if you're a little 100 pound wuss like me. it was only $10!