I just want to announce....


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
....that I got absolutley no work done today. Why I'm still employed, I have no idea.

My boss sits in front of me, so he can't see my computer screen, and he thinks all this typing I'm doing is for strategy designs.

Muwahahahahaa. :hotjump:

Damn shame Royal Carnage don't pay the rent. o_O
If I were paid based on my time on the internet at work my salary would double, and on days like this, quadruple.
Having money does help. To those who say money brings troubles...BAH!

I know people who insist that if they won the national lottery millions, they would continue their lives as normal...it's truly unbelievable how many workaholics exist in the white collar market.
FUCK WORK! My 50th bday is my LAST day of working. I just need to save up enough money to live for 9.5 years until I can withdraw my Roth IRA. 26 years and counting...
My life would pretty much continue as normal if I won the lottery, but by normal, I mean I wouldn't automatically have a huge home and flashy cars or anything like that. I'd probably still live somewhat modestly though I'd have lots of nice new toys.

My job would be the first fucking thing that would go though.
markgugs said:
My life would pretty much continue as normal if I won the lottery, but by normal, I mean I wouldn't automatically have a huge home and flashy cars or anything like that. I'd probably still live somewhat modestly though I'd have lots of nice new toys.

My job would be the first fucking thing that would go though.
I agree so totally, with the exception that if I won the lottery YOUR life would indeed continue as normal.
markgugs said:
My job would be the first fucking thing that would go though.

That's what I was referring to man. I swear, I have met people who say that even if they won the lottery, they would go back to work the following day!!! :yell:

Why do people like that exist? They should just jump infront of a train now and do us all a favor. Or listen to Suicidal Solution and be subliminaly drawn into blowing their head off with a shot gun. Get a gun, shoot shoot! :cool:
Lottery ?
I wouldn't go back to work, sure, neither live the same way.
But no excesses though, I don't have internet at work, so it's clear ...
For the record, I hate my job. And I hate the fact that people just assume that if you like metal, then that makes you a Kid Rock or Linkin Park fan.

I guess there's a reason why it's called the underground. I'm calling for a revolution!
Another day goes by with having done NOTHING at work. I can't even use this time to write reviews or something....damn the open floor office spaces.

What would your ideal job be?

Retirement with the occasional porn flick for extra cash. Either that or getting paid for Royal Carnage, that would fucking rock!

Today I got done at 2pm, yet even though for all intents and purposes I'm salaried, I can't leave because everyone would start talking shit "ohh, Adrian left early, he so bad let's tell the boss ooohhhh..." Oh well.
NAD said:
Today I got done at 2pm, yet even though for all intents and purposes I'm salaried, I can't leave because everyone would start talking shit "ohh, Adrian left early, he so bad let's tell the boss ooohhhh..." Oh well.

I've only been hanging about today because there's a dinner leaving do tonight at some Brazilian bbq restaurant. The manager's picking up the tab, and you just know how much better food and drink taste when they're on company expenses.
Mmmmmm.... free....

Music journalist or political columnist are my dream jobs. Rock star is too much for me, I get tired of playing my songs more than a few times, I couldn't do it night after night on tour.