I just watched A Serbian Film

It's true it is one of the most fucked up and wrong movies I've ever seen. It is a film you cannot forget or unwatch in your head but at the same time you can't look away while you're watching it. Some truly sick fucking shit happens in that movie. Not for the squeamish. If anyone wants to get fucked up for life I highly recommend it.
googled it, saw a couple pictures.. no thanks.

Like I said .. not for those with a weak stomach.. its SO fucking fucked up. Art is subjective ..so many metaphors and hidden messages in this film that it's hard to absorb in one viewing.
Like the film Irreversible about brutal retribution for a woman being raped.. fuck..
If you want to fuck your mind up for life, watch anything by Unearthed Films.

Or "August Underground: Mordum." That is waaaaaayyyy fucked up.

LOL, that's one of those so bad it's awesome videos. Anyway, about to watch A Serbian Film. Thanks thread!

edit: Just finished watching the film, and I don't even know what you would classify it as. Art House, Psychological Horror, Documentary, Torture Porn/Pseudo Snuff? It actually wasn't too terribly disturbing for a "horror movie" aside from three pretty fucked up scenes (one of which out does the others by a very wide margin), none of which really started until an hour in. Really just reminded me of a more modern take on something like the Guinea Pig films.
It's true it is one of the most fucked up and wrong movies I've ever seen. It is a film you cannot forget or unwatch in your head but at the same time you can't look away while you're watching it. Some truly sick fucking shit happens in that movie. Not for the squeamish. If anyone wants to get fucked up for life I highly recommend it.

I watched half of it. or less. decided I didn't need that.
I love the two actors, but... no.

hi! :)