I just woke up


Sep 7, 2001
7 out of 8 days now (i think) I have woken up after two in the afternoon. This may seem amazing to some, but the truth is I have done this for years. Whenever I have nothing to do the following day, I simply sleep through it, that isn’t everyday though :rolleyes: . I am most certainly a night owl. Are any of you nocturnal like myself?
I generally go to bed between 1-2AM, and get up between 5:30-7AM. I hate going to bed early - waste all that useful time.

Anyways - sleep is overrated.
On x-mas break I stayed up until 5am every night, and woke up around 2-3pm, I would actually wake up hours earlier, and then lay in bed because it's warm and cozy, drifting in and out of sleep. At one point a few years ago I would wake up at midnight, and go to sleep for "the night" at 5.00pm-6.

"I generally go to bed between 1-2AM, and get up between 5:30-7AM. I hate going to bed early - waste all that useful time."
This is exactly what I do on school days.
I need my sleep, but this nocturnal thing is a definite problem for me. No matter how early I go to bed, I'm sleepy the entire day until it's almost time to go to bed again. Then I get all energetic and motivated to do things and end up staying up too late and never getting enough sleep and it's just a vicious cycle.

I stayed up until at least 5am over most of the Christmas break too, though but didn't always get to sleep in as much as I wanted. Now I have to readjust myself to a more normal schedule again, and it's killing me.

I end up resorting to napping a lot of the time, and when I can't nap I have an unfortunate tendency to fall asleep at the wrong time. Like in class, at work...
I used to enjoy sleeping a lot and would sleep as often as possible. The past few years I have stayed up really late and gotten up early. On school nights, I tend to stay up until about 1-2am and then have to get up at 5:45am to get ready for school. I just feel more alive at night, and everything seems much better. Music comes to life at night so I take full advantage of it. I stayed up till about 3am this morning and didn't even want to go to sleep. I felt like I didn't even need sleep ever again, but I was probably just delirious and knew that my body needed the rest. :p I like staying up really late until I can see the sun shining through my window the next morning, then I go to sleep.
Originally posted by llamaura
I need my sleep, but this nocturnal thing is a definite problem for me. No matter how early I go to bed, I'm sleepy the entire day until it's almost time to go to bed again. Then I get all energetic and motivated to do things and end up staying up too late and never getting enough sleep and it's just a vicious cycle.
ME TOO! :mad: Very frustrating.

And Oyo, I love the toasty bed thing too. I don't understand how people hop out of bed early on the weekends "because I woke up." Hell no. I LOVE dozing in and out, because then you get the satisfaction of KNOWING you can sleep in. :p I even set my alarm for a couple HOURS before I have to get up (on days when I can sleep in) just so I can press snooze every 7 minutes. ;)
Are any of you nocturnal like myself?

Oh yea...i woke up around 3 pm today...it is not always that late though.
sometimes i will get in a weird cycle of 3 to 4 hour naps twice a day and it seems like i am always up.

but lately i have been going to sleep very close to sunrise if not after....then waking up anywhere from 12 to 3
I agree with Metalmancpa, sleep IS overrated.

I sleep the same times as him, if not less, but not everyday. I cannot sleep most of the time. I just in bed bored.
I am very nocturnal. Today I just got up and it's 6:33 pm. I went to bed at around 6 AM. This is normal for me.
I am definitely a nocturnal creature...
it 3:38 Am and i am here posting and listening to Opeth and don't feel sleepy at all.... i will go to bed at 5;00 i guess....
ok,it's holidays and i can sit up...
but even when i have classes and stuff i rarely go to bed before 2:00 AM (even when i have to wake up at 6:00)

I simply love the night and i feel more fresh when the evening/night comes than during the day...
