i KNOW i'm going to regret this :/


Aug 2, 2002
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remember that perved out intern? well, he keeps coming back ! today was finally his official last day of this semester at least.

well, he comes over to my desk after they have a mini party with a gross cake for him.... to say bye. and he's standing next to me. i'm stunned into silence just by his presence because he's so perved out. his face is BRIGHT red. and all splotchy. and standing there within maybe 5 inches of me, he FARTS this huge silent fart that almost kills me.:hypno:

i've been sitting here in a mental state of shock, disbelief, horror, disgust, and fear for about 13 minutes.

mayday, mayday.
guys omg i can't believe he did that wtf this kid is soooooo fucking twisted! i don't know whether to laugh or puke everywhere.
i guess if someone i didn't know, loathe, fear, and want to kick in the nuts didn't do it i'd be more forgiving.
karline made me tell the story OVER AND OVER again at every party we were at this weekend. that kid will never get a job in this town. every lawyer now knows he's gassy.