i know my rights, I KNOW MY RIGHTS!!

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002

well good for you Steve... then you should be familiar with your rights to get tased and crap your pants.

Dunno. At one point its like.. he could've easily just grabbed the guy rather than light him up... AND... look at that fucking road. NOBODY is driving down it. Who gives a shit about the dude on the lawnmower? Just leave the dude alone unless he's fucking with people... ehhhh.

He DOES sound like Cartman, though
Dunno. At one point its like.. he could've easily just grabbed the guy rather than light him up... AND... look at that fucking road. NOBODY is driving down it. Who gives a shit about the dude on the lawnmower? Just leave the dude alone unless he's fucking with people... ehhhh.

He DOES sound like Cartman, though

well... why should the cop endanger himself right from the get? i wouldn't.. i'd have lit him up too. second.. you cannot drive your lawnmower around as a vehicle for getting from point A to point B.. the cops don't get to decide shit like that... they have to follow the rules about it... and he clearly knew the dude. do you really think it's something that cops would have latitude on? with alcohol involved even?

it may be staged.. but no, the cop stopping a guy with booze in his hand driving a lawnmower down public roads is not evidence of that.

personally, i buy it... seems quite real to me.
ok then... so anything that could be shot with a home video cam is possibly fake, is that what you're saying? can't argue that one, it's a good point... but EVERYTHING is taped these days with home vid cams or cop dash cams, so....?

i'm not saying it's not fake.. i dunno.. but you haven't convinced me.

aaaanyway.. it's funny.
ok, well if you listen to the audio, anyone who has used a riding lawnmower knows that when it is moving, you can barely hear anyone yelling. yet, when the redneck drives off, the sound of the mower is in the background, while the voices are much clearer. so i would asume that the mower sound is from the video camera they used, and the voices are dubbed over, which would be especially easy to do since you don't see anyone's mouth.

this is simply my opinion though, and i don't consider it as proof of anything.