i love cats!


Aug 10, 2002

ps: i saw many cat pictures in a thread here...that's why i'm saying it
And here I thought Ectoplasma would refer to the musical.
i dont think you can be allergic to fur. im allergic to cat dander, which is what i think most people are...also, cats lick their fur and their saliva is kind of irritating, so...
My kitties in da houz:

Fritz (I swear to god I tried to keep my girlf and roommate not to name him that...):

The two of them (I swear to god they sleep like this):

Mikey (I swear to god this image is not photoshopped):
Josh's Todd stuck his tongue out at houseguests last week and offended them tremendously. Then he fell asleep in the middle of the floor and was aborably pelted with plastic icosahedrons, so all was forgiven.
we are allergic to cat saliva? why?
and, Vangelic...the first pic of your cat is evil...look to the eyes!