I love gloating

xfer said:
If you accept the position that gay people are inferior to straight people, then yes, it makes perfect logical sense that allowing gay marriage degrades straight marriage. We don't like to think that way because it's forcing us to confront the real problem, which is: people who believe gay people are inferior. We would rather pretend people don't think that way and call it illogical.
I know perfectly well people think that way, but I'm engaging this on the stated grounds of the opposition. If they're not willing to say that homosexuals are inferior, I'm not going to say it for them, particularly if not saying it makes their position untenable, which I think it does.
The people I'm arguing with freely admit their bigotry, but they refuse to admit that their opposition to this is because of their bigotry. Instead, they hide behind "flaws in the law" and "circumvention of the legislature" and the like.
it makes my head explode to argue such subjects when the divisive line in thought is something non-logical like bigotry. there's no way to get your point across those sort of boundries.
a lot of non-libertarian archcons fancy themselves "libertarians" and call themselves as such, while supporting pretty significant government regulation and intrusion.