I love Jackson's

lol, i hear ya, they make some kick ass guitars, but the quality is lacking, my ibanez's (mind you i play it non stop) neck snapped and was easily scratched up (paint came off from bumping something without me even really knowing that i bumped it). but the snap wasn't too bad and i never care about paint comming off. so its really not that bad of a guitar, since it was my first one and i've had it for over 5 years, but guitars are supposed to last a lifetime so that doesn't say too much...
I'd never touch a porn star... seriously... I mean, Ill watch them work, I just wouldnt touch them myself... lol
the quality on the new jackson's is not shit.
I got an amazing 1993 Usa Rhandy Roads and that's a metal guitar, the lowend is really tight.
My buddy got 3 Usa Jackson from 2003 and on (fender era I think) ant they kill.
The quality is the same if not better than my really old 1993 rhandy.
I don't think because fender acquired jackson, now they're making such bad guitars. The quality is there because the people making them is working in that factory even before fender age.
If you don't like jackson there's no problem go and play those crappy guitars like bananez :p;p;p;p
If you're interested in a new Jackson, there's no difference since they were bought by Fender. It's the same people, and the same methods. They're not "built by Fender". Fender pumped money into the USA shop and the guitars actually improved by most accounts.
There may have been some quaility control issues with imports or something that perpetuated the rumors that Jackson guitars were shit after Fender's aquisition but that's probably just internet bullshit. I don't know about that.

If you want a real Jackson you need to get at least a USA select model anyway....:)
I bought a Rhoads EX 12 years ago for abotu £1000. Its not worth anything like that today but Ive fitted it with an 81 an 85 a PA2 and an original floyd rose and I love it. Its been my main guitar for 12 years and I would never get rid of it. Ive also got a Jackson dinky EX with EMGs in it as well which must be a similar age. Love both of em but the Rhoads is amazing would never get rid of it. In fact Im after an RR5 now
I'll rephrase then:

SL3's before 2002 are better than SL3's after 2002. Not just a fluke either, every time I see em, they're just piss-poor. Same goes for those other SL's that aren't the SL1 or SL2. Can't comment on those because I've never really looked into them. Hell, they even put out an 'affordable' low-end model recently.

I do quite love Jackson, but I have very little respect for modern production by Fender.