I love my Tannoys


Feb 20, 2005
Really, I do - anyone who is in the market for nearfields should seriously consider the Reveal 5A's, they're so incredibly clear (an amazingly defined stereo image) without being fatiguing, and really flat - and while they only go down to around 70 Hz, the difference is they're really accurate to that point, rather than going lower at the expense of accuracy.

Here's a frequency response:


And some positive testimonials:


Coming up on a year that I've had 'em, and I still love 'em! :headbang:
I haven't heard this speaker. But I wanted to add in general, that if you ever measured a frequency response yourself you get a bit sceptical seeing such graphics from companies. :)
I enjoy the adam a7's so much at the mo, im thinking of buying a sub 7 to complement them. Have you thought of getting a low powered sub to complement the tannoys?

Oh yeah, most definitely, but unfortunately it'll have to wait until I move out! (the sound insulation is terrible in my parents' house, so those bass frequencies would go right through :()

And yeah, that frequency response graph I posted was actually from the first article I linked to above (though maybe they got it from the manufacturer, who knows), but it certainly seems accurate to me judging by the sound!

EDIT: Ok, looks like it was taken from the manual - but I trust those Scotsmen :D
I got the first version of the Tannoy Reveals.... and they're pretty decent. The low end leaves quite a bit to be desired, but they're generally very good for mixing and listening to music; not too fatiguing either.. which for me is a big thing.
Actually, I've heard they seriously stepped up there game for the 5A's (and the others in the series, e.g. 6D's, 66D's, etc.), though I've never heard the originals!
college has some Reveal 5a's and they sound pretty nice. anything we've ever mixed at college has ended up sounding bright as fuck in there and muddy as fuck anywhere else, but i figure thats just the room.
Shame they don't come in 8/8.75 inch main woofer sizes, otherwise I'd be very interesting in getting a set. I don't really have a big enough room to justify getting 2 6Ds and a subwoofer, I'd rather just have monitors that have better bass response without sacrificing too much floor space in already rather small room.
I don't really understand why they make the slightly lower end Precision series in 8 inches, but not their better Reveal series in 8 inch sizes.
I'm sure the Precisions are great too Harry, since they're the more prestigious model, regardless of how low in that model line a particular one may be ;) We had a set at my school's studio actually (passive, FWIW, but we had good power amps) that I infinitely preferred mixing and listening on over harsh, kinda weirdly scooped HR824's they also had :ill:
Hm, more prestigious? I'm a bit confused here, according to this http://www.sweetwater.com/store/manufacturer/Tannoy
the Reveal 6Ds are even more expensive than the Precision 8s:confused:
Don't really see how less expensive means more prestigious dud:lol::loco:

I often hear the Mackies will pretty much only work in a treated room, but once you put them in a treated room, they can outpeform some other stuff pretty well in the same environment.
But then again, this coming from posts made on gearslutz:loco: