I love the new Kid Rock


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
You guys can bash him all you want, but the man has gone from rap novelty act to one hell of an artist.

My description of the new disc:

Bob Seger meets The Eagles.

Let that sink in....

This is a totally polished, mature, country-tinged disc with phenomenal lyrics. Rick Rubin has totally reigned him in and the result is a classic rock album that fits right in with the heavyweights of that late 70's genre. "Flyin' High" with Zac Brown is awesome.

First single:

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I have no issues with Kid Rock.
He has always worn his influences on his sleeves, even when he was doing more of the rap-rock thing.

Lucky for him that country and country-rock has become more mainstream, as wearing his influences on his sleeve has enabled him to be accepted by that community.
It's certainly nothing I would race out to buy, but my wife has been a Kid Rock fan for awhile, and I can at least appreciate what people see in him. This one has a SERIOUS Bob Seger thing going for it..... I imagine this is now on the X-mas shopping list.....
I think he's one of the smarter mainstream rock acts, and that's coming from a hater of the early days. I could take or leave (mostly leave) his early hip-hop records and his rap-rock albums that rode the late-90s trend. But 2000-present he has shown, business-wise, that he has every intention of finding real staying power in a mainstream music scene where one-hit-wonders usually flare and die quickly. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a fan, but it seems like he's settled into a mature and developed rock and roll style that does well for him and he for it.
You know... I kept catching a bit of whatever Kid Rock song they were playing from during the baseball playoffs and thinking to myself, how exactly did he make the transition from Vanilla Ice v2.0 to Bob Seger? Seems like an odd path. He's now apparently such a good ole boy that he has his own version of bourbon. Odd... very odd.
Saw him live and it was quite an experience. Started out doing a pretty heavy rocking set, segued into country-style and finished in the rap area. That's when I left, but really he was quite the entertainer and put on a really good show. I was there for the warm-up band, and funny thing is, I don't remember who it was. hmmm.
Kid Rock is a smart man, as he knows to keep his name in the game he has to have at least one good hit every year or two - and to his credit, he can write that hit. But sorry Mr. Rock, Bob Seger is still in the building.

Cheryl Crow is playing the same musical chair game. C'mon man! You mean to tell me Ms Crow grew up listening to Loretta Lynn? You will not get this if you did not watch the CMA's, but if you did you should have noticed through Ms Lynn's body language that she see's the game Ms Crow is playing.
You guys can bash him all you want, but the man has gone from rap novelty act to one hell of an artist.

My description of the new disc:

Bob Seger meets The Eagles.

Let that sink in....

This is a totally polished, mature, country-tinged disc with phenomenal lyrics. Rick Rubin has totally reigned him in and the result is a classic rock album that fits right in with the heavyweights of that late 70's genre. "Flyin' High" with Zac Brown is awesome.

I'll take this over his rap rock stuff anyday. I have a soft spot for the Eagles & old Seger stuff, this not so much...
FYI: Amazon is offering this album in MP3 format for $3.99 as one of their specials today (Nov 16). [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Born-Free/dp/B004BC7MRM/ref=xs_gb_bd_DsB!4whIall-?pf_rd_p=441937801&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=04PHPB52NTJH6NZ4Z1K7"](Link)[/ame]
In his early days, I disliked the rap-crap. Then, one night, I was flipping channels and saw his "Only God Knows" video. I saw it from the first and what kept me from flipping the channel was the fact he was seated at a piano singing a ballad. Then I listened to his words. Here was a 30-year old lamenting that he had reached his goal after years of hard work and wondering if that was what he really wanted. What wisdom!! In the video, they showed clips of his live act, and THAT BLEW ME AWAY!!!!! I am all about energy and he's got it!!

Then, I went to see him live, and he plays every instrument on the stage!! He added a banjo to his list last tim I saw him, but the drums are probably his best instrument. I have seen him 4-5 times and he never disappoints. He always salutes his influences, such as Skynryd and seems true to his roots. One of the very few mainstream artists I consistently support.

Chrs :rock:
I've never owned a Kid Rock disc, but I still have a soft spot for the guy. He reminds me of a modern day Ted Nugent. :lol:


Interesting. I like Nugent's music, though I haven't heard much modern day Nugent. That doesn't seem like the right comparison but I guess I'll take your word for it. :lol:

As for Kid Rock, while I don't have any of his stuff I do admire him. He was able to break out of that rap rock trend and become a true artist -- who at the same time has found himself mainstream success. Like others I loved (and was also shocked) when he came out with that "Only God Knows Why" song.
this song's chorus sounds like something else exactly but i cannot place it. it's not bad but why reach for this when you can actually listen to Springsteen, Seger and Thorogood? (sorry had to get my Delaware plug in there!)

but another thing that is a personal turn off is the amount of pandering in both his and recent Skynyrd stuff. i mean i love my country, but it seems that all these guys do is write songs for BBQs and sports events that cater to "down home 'mericans!"

where as Seger and Springsteen songs have become part of America because of everyone's embrace of the songs and the content, not writing song specifically targeting a certain market.