I made a website!!


Witchy Woman
May 31, 2001
West Auckland, NZ
Visit site
Check out our family website...... I am going to put more pics on it soon - when I have the energy to scan heaps of photo's of our house etc... and the ferrets and the other cat. And the kiddies ...
the best page is the Party Page....


Any tips or comments would be great as it s the first time I have done anything like this.

:lol: I clicked on baby pics even though it said you havent had him yet, and cracked up when I saw the ultrasound thingos :)
I cant work out wheres where on it though, you must have to be a parent to be able to do so, it looked like a weather map to me at first :D

Everything worked when I clicked on it, and it all ran quickly, I give you an A+ for web design, you now have Spawnys Royal Seal Of Approval! (Make sure you feed the seal though, or he will die..... :) )
It was someone on this board that suggested the Shock Your Mother theme..... and it was incredibly shocking and hilarious.....

The young guys working on their car next door were terrified of Phill.... he told them their car needed "more thrust".... like they wanna hear that from a guy in fishnets and a corset!!! :lol:


***Morticia throws a couple of fish to the Royal Seal in appreciation of his approval ***;)
Originally posted by spawn
:lol: I clicked on baby pics even though it said you havent had him yet, and cracked up when I saw the ultrasound thingos :)
I cant work out wheres where on it though, you must have to be a parent to be able to do so, it looked like a weather map to me at first :D

The first picture is his profile - head and face on the right hand side facing the left side of the picture.... the second one is his face but not as clear.... they're aren't easy to work out if you have seen one before.... i have a video of the scan also and he smacked himself in the head while they were taping it - hilarious - has to be our child for sure!!! :lol: :lol: