I made a YouTube Drum/Mixing Channel YAYYYY

Chris Lucas

Dec 4, 2006

Ok so I decided to be semi productive and start making videos of me tracking drums to songs that I've mixed/have and putting them up on the tubes.

I think I'm only going to do songs that I can get a hold of the stems for (aka no playing over CD songs) mainly because I wanted this to be mixing practice as well.
The first song I have up there is The Unrest song you all know of by now, some of the details of the song are in the description.

If you think I don't suck assholes, I'd be happy to do some drums for some songs people have recorded if they want, as long as I can put a video of me doing it up on the interwebs!!!! :Spin:

I'm also considering doing separate videos for each drum one I put up that just has me going through each Pro Tools session. I'm not a professional by any means but maybe some people would appreciate it, plus If I do dumb shit people can call me out which is cool too.

Thx all :D