I made my band a new layout, maybe I could do yours?


Dec 13, 2009
Hey, just wanted to say at first; please don't pass this as spam, I lurk here alot.

Anyways I play in the band Science of Demise(www.myspace.com/scienceofdemise), I believe our EP was posted here by our other guitarist who recorded it and mixed it. Anyways I made us a new layout since we hadn't changed it for a long time, you can check the link to see what it looks like.

Now what I wanted to ask is if any of you guys need a layout for your band? I want to build my portfolio, since I go to a kinda "artish" university, so I'm going to try to get a lot of stuff to showcase. This means I want to do layouts, and I will do it really cheap (I'm talking like 60 bucks or something like that).

So yea, if your band needs a cheap and good solution I could be your man. :)

Let me talk to my band members about it.

What would you need?

Promos, etc?
The layout looks great man, no doubt!
But after doing my course at uni, I learned that people have a very short attention span, and that page just takes to long to load. That's my biggest gripe with layouts that get brutally elaborate on myspace pages!

If using Divs to overlay, then it's creating twice the work because you are loading the initial myspace layer then building on that. It's a fucking pain in the arse :S
I would be really interested, but that comes a little early because I don't already have a concrete idea of a visual for my project. I'd still love such a result because it looks really great.

Do you have other examples to show ? Any portfolio already ? Would be interesting :)
Thanks for the great response everyone!

LeSedna, we can work something out, I'm pretty sure of that! And that GraVil one is reaaaally old.

Melb_shredder, hmm yea but the pics aren't THAT big tbh, dropbox might not be the fastest host around. But yes, I get your point.
Your coding is pretty solid as well, normally all the repositioning leaves something fudged on Opera, but it all looked the way it should.
Öwen;8759771 said:
Your coding is pretty solid as well, normally all the repositioning leaves something fudged on Opera, but it all looked the way it should.

Yes thank you, but IE still looks bad... But that's the hit you gotta take.. Hate IE.
Maybe a stupid question, but I imagine that no graphic design work comes as part of your layouts? It's purely coding work, yes?

Well I made all the art that's in there so... I guess that counts as graphic design?