I made my own Rock/Metal Radio station, and today we're playing Viking Metal.


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2013

I have long wanted to own my own radio station. I would fantasize about how cool it could be to be a DJ as a kid, being able to pick out the music I want played. As I grew up, the radio stations and their DJ's around me (and around the country), were replaced by robots. Today, all of the FM broadcast stations in the United states are owned by just 6 corporations.

The Music they played became repetitive, Cycling through just a hand full of the same exact "hits" or "classics" that have been playing on the radio for as far back as we can all remember.

I wanted to change that. I felt that it was wrong to put control of our music into the hands of 6 soulless, faceless corporations, who can only see a song as a revenue stream.

So, I began working on my own Radio Station. A station that runs on the Internet, capable of reaching billions of people, and pumping them full of the sweet love juices of Hard Rock.

Hammerhead Radio is going to be a shining example of what a radio station should be.

We're going to have more creativity than anything you'll find on the FM band.

We're going to promote new bands, play their new songs that you've never heard before.

We'll have variety, no more hearing an overplayed song 7 times a day.


And to top it all off, today is THOR'S DAY. We will be playing Viking and Folk Metal all day long, every Thursday.

So if you would like to listen,