I made Neurisican music.

Ha ha I actually quite enjoyed that, though, I'm a sucker for Neurisican bands that do that kind of thing well. Though obviously in about a year's time everyone's going to be as sick of them as they are the predictable post-rock bands and the 'look at us we're wacky' Locust/Daughters rip-offs.

You didn't cover ALL the cliches though, you didn't do a throaty roar over every part of the song whether it's appropriate or not a la Baroness or Cult Of Neurisican. I mean, Cult of Luna.
I'll get someone to roar over it. The lyrics will be obscure and detached, completely incompatible with the suggested emotional fervor. There will be no consonants, only vowels.
I didn't do it on purpose really but when I caught myself naming this 'Song for the Sea' I realized the extent of Isisisms and Pelicanisms involved. Neurosis not so much since the Neurosis I know (Grace/Blood) melts your head, and this isn't really apocalyptic in any way.