I nearly pissed myself!!

Yeah, I forgot it's trendy to hate Will Ferrell. Humour that everyone can appreciate, that's not esoteric enough for me!

Will Ferrell needs to die.

10 points...

Woulda been 20 if you went into more detail about the way he must die.

Although I will give the man a little credit, stranger than fiction was an OK movie. It just woulda been better with someone who wasn't Will Ferrell.
A counter-culture of haters dislike Mr Ferrell.

They're usually tasteless and moronic followers of the pseudo-esoteric though, scared that liking Will Ferrell makes them - GASP! - normal.
Or, some people just don't like Will Ferrel. Fuck.

Sometimes he makes me laugh. Sometimes I think some of his shit is idiotic and isn't funny. I guess I must be one of those who is in between and can't decide whether I'm normal or defying the norm for the sake of defying the norm, thus it makes me doubly pathetic and worse than either party.
Other then his role in Stranger Than Fiction... like I said, I'll give him an tiny bit of credit.

Though, the reason that movie was OK wasn't because of him, but because it had an awesome writer.
Yep, he tends to follow pretty set out guidelines in his roles. His real genius lies in his timing and pretty unique expressions.

I like pretty much everything he's been in, give or take.
Not always. Not everyone likes to watch comedy thats only merit is in it all out fucking stupidity, not all the times anyways.

C'mon, don't be grouchy. :)
I know, I know. I like my balance, when Im in the mood for sharp biting wit I'll go with Hicks. When I feel like switching off my thought process Will Ferrell works well.