I need a drink.


Jun 17, 2003
Apex, NC
The new year started off with a bang - literally.

1:30pm. I'm here at this computer, printing up signs for next week's ad. It's been a quiet day, but by this time people are starting to pull out from their NYE stupors and get on the road, and traffic has picked up at the intersection outside the store.

All of a sudden: scree [pause] WHAM!!!

and the lower window fifteen feet down the wall from me explodes into splinters as a small truck slams first into the brick wall and slides down the windows (breaking the one) and thumps to a stop into the next brick wall about ten feet away from me.

"Holy shit!" says I, and I bail outside to see if everyone's okay, with the rest of the store just behind me. The driver of the truck is an old man with a scraped up forehead, and his female companion is still in the truck, with a large, head-sized dent in the windshield where she hit it. Another car, whose front bumper is in the middle of the street, sits on the opposite corner. A third car, its doors scratched up, sits across the street for a couple of minutes, but while we're scrambling to call 911 and make sure people are okay, it pulls off.

A man told us that the cause of the accident was someone running the red light - he himself had narrowly missed being hit as well. We think it was the third car. Probably already had legal trouble, panicked, and fled. Well, he's got assloads more trouble now, if anyone finds him.

The ambulance arrives and they pull the woman out of the truck on a backboard. The old man was rather dazed, clearly in shock, but an EMT convinces him to come in for observation as well.

Who the fuck is in such a hurry that it's worth their lives - or the lives of other people? Jesus.
I needed one Wednesday. First, on my way to work (only a block away) some asshole walking in the opposite direction deliberately got in my way and spat on me. And then going home, a bus refused to pick us up at the usual stop, claiming it had been discontinued due to construction. He had the time to sit there in traffic for several minutes and argue with us through the doors, though. The next bus that came along stopped there, and the driver knew nothing about the stop being discontinued. Filed a complaint with MTA over that one.

Charm City, my ass.
He was aiming for my face, but it landed on my bookbag strap, which I scrubbed with antibacterial soap at the store. I don't know what the hell that was all about - it was completely random.

And I did drink when I got home. Large drink.