I need a good new Speaker


New Metal Member
Feb 6, 2009
Hi People!

At first sorry for my bad english.
I need good new loudspeakers, because my old ones are abaut 6 years old and they did only cost about 35€ when i buyed them. I think you can imagine how shitty they are.

The point is that i dont want to listen only with headphones so i plan to spend about 200€ for new ones.

What speakers can you suggest me? Which ones do you use?

I listen to Black / Death Metal, of course Opeth, sometimes a bit house or oldschool rock.

Thanks for your help
Greets, Kiwee
I have the Logitech X-530 5.1 system. I'm extremely happy with it. Everything sounds spectacular.

Mhh i heard from several people that you can hear russian radio here in germany when the boxes dont get a normal audio signal. :erk:

So i think i need something different, but tanks.
that happens with a lot of devices. if i turn my practice amp all i can hear minor radio frequencies. remember radios are among the most simple electronic devices and things like stereos electronically are based heavily off them.
Yes i know i'm currently learning electronic technician and you need only a resistor and a capazitor in the wrong constellation to get these signals. But its anyway annoying ;)

But there are not really much objective things you can use to rate a loudspeaker :/
You must hear it yourself... thats why i ask you :)
Are you looking for dedicated PC speakers, that include an amp, and control pod that plugs directly into your PC?

I would personally recommend buying a receiver, some bookshelf speakers and a sub, that would give you the best sound; much, much better than any set of PC speakers will give you. My own setup consists of 6.5" front's, a dual 5.25" center, and 5.25" rears, all with .75" tweeters, a 10" sub, and a Pioneer receiver. All the speakers are from TheSpeakerCompany, they offer some affordable speakers, and they sound fantastic. Using analog outs from my PC's soundcard into the receiver.

If you want the easiest, all in one solution however, a set of klipsch Pro Media 2.1's like Elek recommended wouldn't be too bad. Not near as good as the other setup, but an easy, all in one solution.
I have the Logitech X240 2.1 PC speaker system, and I have been very happy with it. Excellent sound, only cost $30.
Thank you for your help guys. But I think i'm going to buy this ones:

Teufel Motiv 2 2.1 Speakers
http://www.teufel.de/de/iTeufel/Motiv-2.cfm?show=test (German! Unfortunatelly i cant find a link in english...)

A friend of me has these as speakers on his pc and I was really impressed how god the sound was. Now I just have to wait on my next salary so that i can efford them :rofl: