I need a new pair of headphones


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
I broke my old ones a few days ago and so I need a new pair. I'm looking in the range of $50 - $100.

suggestions plz.

(btw - I have no idea why that other thread is fucked up... i mean, its seriously fucked up and stuff..)
I posted a few times in that void thread because it was cool.

Anyhow, $10 usually gets you shit headphones that's why. Sometimes you find teh winnar but I haven't been very successful. I need new headphones too. Comfortable, sounds good, compact, short cable.
I've got some of those studio-type ones for my room but i need more portable ones. So suggestions will be appreciated by me. Very much ;)
I got a pair of $20 phones from Target... best I've ever had. 9 feet of cable too, bitches, so I can use them with my stereo across the room.
I fucking hate earbuds and those faggy wraparound "street style" headphones. You can't hear shit with them. I was using these:


for 2 years and they worked great, but this time I was thinking of getting something slightly better.
That's the problem with mine, I have a 15ft. cable which totally rocks my socks at home for movies, walking around, etc. but I don't want to trip when I'm trying to pick up chicks at the mall whilst blasting my ears with this newest masterpiece:

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try to get some Denon Headphones if they sell them in your part of the world. I used to sell them in me electronics sales hey-days ... great headphones for the price. Super clean sound. Good frequency response ...
You can get an entry level pair in the price range you are looking for ...
Denon is pretty much the standard for high quality shit w/o going gonzo $$$, aren't they?
I bought a pair of $60 Phillips headphones with that sound filter thingy on em and they are one of the worst pair of headphones I have ever bought. The sound sucks and there is next to NIL low end. I am so dissapointed.
Denon is pretty much the standard for high quality shit w/o going gonzo $$$, aren't they?
pretty much ... you can get these the Denon 210 for about $50-$60 bucks at a Denon dealer

from selling audio in the past, I can tell you is to always spend a little more money on equipment ... don't buy cheap shit.
you would be amazed at how different most of the music you listen to on higher end audio equipment.

You should check out the Shure E-5's.


The catch is, they're $650 US, so you might have to sell both your ears and all your CD collection just to afford them. :loco:
I have some pretty decent Philips ones in the $50 range, but I'm thinking of getting proper $150-ish studio headphones... Probably Sennheiser or AKG or Beyer