I need help from you guys

SLAYER85 said:
i got a serious question, how and why did the sound of their music change so much from cds like spreading the disease and amoung the living to cds like stomp 442 and volume 8?
They got old dude. LOL!!! BTW the way were you born when I saw Anthrax for the 1st time in April/May 1986? :grin:
Here's the obligatory One Man Stands post.

"If there was a choice between One Man Stands and Lone Justice for the live set, would One Man Stands be after What Doesn't Die?"

Serious question...Will Anthrax be giving the love to the Northwest fans by blessing them with a concert?
ImmortalCorruptor said:
the interview fell through for yesterday because the pr guy didn't clear it with the band's manager, it's been rescheduled to be within the next few weeks

Don't forget to ask if they plan on playing LONE JUSTICE and NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING next time they're in Denver!