I need me an angryman meathead film to watch


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
Was just watching 'The hills have eyes' not the best film but so satisfying to see those inbreds get taken down by a blunt pickaxe :D
anything sort of like that or 28 days later where they just get a HUGEEE revenge and go on a (decent) killing spree would be great to watch.
Well theres The Hills Have Eyes 2, which isn't very good but has a similar sort of brutal style, with the baddies getting cracked to pieces :D
Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman Series is on Hulu right now with a good amount of killing.
"I Spit on Your Grave", though personally I have no desire to see it after reading the description, but you might! :lol: (just sounds too grim/brutal/whatever for my tastes)
Yeah, what can I say, I can be a bit squeamish (I regret watching the beginning of Rob Zombie's Halloween remake, for example - had to bail after the climax of his childhood :erk: ) Goofy blood and gore (e.g. Brain Dead/Dead Alive) is awesome though :lol:
hulu.com , They have TV shows and movies for streaming. Its free because of advertisements.
Yeah, what can I say, I can be a bit squeamish (I regret watching the beginning of Rob Zombie's Halloween remake, for example - had to bail after the climax of his childhood :erk: ) Goofy blood and gore (e.g. Brain Dead/Dead Alive) is awesome though :lol:

Dead Alive rules!!! :lol:

I spit on your grave is from 1980, and would be considered "cheesy" by today's standards, but, still a cool flick.

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