I need some advice on picking technique...badly!

I'm an expert picker. Sometimes, I have to pick long and hard to get the really deep boogers out. Sometimes I have to get two fingers and a thumb up in there, dawg!
Just to give you guys an update (if anyone's interested):

I am already playing more accurately and comfortably than ever before. I'm using my wrist, and although I've still got a lot of work to do, I have already been imbued with a new found confidence in my technique. Thank you very much everyone.

And this is post 666 for me. How metal am I?
Yngvai X said:
And two of the fastest pickers Ive ever seen use their forearm (Rusty Cooley and Stephan Forte). So as you can see it really doesnt matter :p

Forté uses his forearm? Interesting... he's a fucking sick picker, so I've always been curious as to what technique he uses.

Cooley doesn't use his forearm that much though. His main picking action is from the wrist, but he moves his forearm a lot while picking. You can say he uses his forearm, but the actual picking motion in itself comes from the wrist.
I'm also not a shred master or anything, but I think since I've been doing a TON of old emperor and mayhem and stuff recently, I've picked up on some things. I'm a lazy guy, and I find that using just the arm or just the wrist will tire you our easily! So what I do is I use both. It works very well. It has the power of the arm and the cleanliness of the wrist. I find that if I only have my thumb and index finger on the pick, I can move faster (as opposed to like the whole hand clenched up). Hope this helps a bit :P
Alternate picking is the key!!! Really helps live as well. I admit I do down pick when there time and room for it, to get a certain violent chug out of the note.

is this bjorn? show me your awesome technique.!
There is a book you REALLLLY need to get ahold of-

Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar by Troy Stetina

That book+Metronome+hours of picking=good foundation for shredding

I have been using that book for years! It really shows HOW to practice, and how to work out difficulties with your picking. It's the shred bible, plain and simple.

Also, check out a video called "speed kills" by Micheal Angelo. It will take your skills to another level.

I believe Romeo used some of the stuff in the Speed Kills video to develop his ability, and you can see where that go him. (well..that plus having lots of Talent helps!)

Practice every day..never give up. HArd work pays off.
Both are viable approaches, but I personally don't like mixing. I get confused, and besides, I don't have time to practice both extensively enough.

I just economy pick exclusively.