I Need Some General Help With This Mix


Dec 6, 2010
Athens, AL

okay this isnt really the final mix and it still has to be reamped but im trying more to fine tune my ears more than get this mix perfect.

so i was wondering what you guys would do to bring this slightly closer to a record label release. Iv been using A Plea For Purgings newest album and The Ghost Insides new albums as reference mixes. im not really going for those sounds at all. just the way the mixes are relativity flat and still big while not intrusive in any frequencies.

and feel free to share any other opinions on mixing as well :p
i like the basic tone of it, something bothers me about the kick though.
idk if its just to loud or clicky..one of those tho lol :)
maybe a bit of eq on the guitars there, you're getting a lot of fizz coming through, especially in that early breakdown, maybe even just try bringing them down a touch, just to balance the mix out a bit. overall i really like it, it's really hit the APFP target you set, in terms of structure and ideas, just needs a bit of polishing off
ha thanks you guys. once i reamp ill take on the guitar sound. i think i need to eq the kick/bring it down a little bit and fix some mud/slight boomyness i hear in the guitars/bass that i dont hear in other peoples releases. and maybe do something to smooth the cymbals out and up them a tiny bit in volume. and the APFP reference is why the kick is so loud :p