Need some help with this mix please.


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
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I've been mixing these songs for the past couple of weeks but I still can't settle on a mix that's satisfying for me. I've already posted here one of the songs a few days back. This one is quite different with a lot of layers and it's much harder for me to find a balance. I really need some fresh ears to see how does everything sound because I've listened to it so many times I've lost perspective.

Or: distance009.mp3
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This is a killer tune Kimon! Very DT and a little Maidenish too \m/

The mix is sweet, really like the clean sections and the crunchy guitar sections. Perhaps bring up the rhythm guitars up a tiny bit to give it a little more impact upon when it kicks in but yeah, good stuff dude!
This mix sounds much better than the other one. The bass it´s a bit boomy and muffled. Sometimes the strings are loud and very prominent, some automation would help. The clean guitars sound really good.
This is a killer tune Kimon! Very DT and a little Maidenish too m/

The mix is sweet, really like the clean sections and the crunchy guitar sections. Perhaps bring up the rhythm guitars up a tiny bit to give it a little more impact upon when it kicks in but yeah, good stuff dude!

Thanks man!
I'm still working out the balance of each component but I have the rhythm guitars just a touch lower than usual on purpose to leave more room for the strings and the clean guitars. It's kind of a shame since the guitars turned out to be really heavy from your reamp but for this specific song I had to make the sacrifice :)

This mix sounds much better than the other one. The bass it´s a bit boomy and muffled. Sometimes the strings are loud and very prominent, some automation would help. The clean guitars sound really good.

Yes, I think the boomy and muffled bass is a problem I have on the other songs as well. Any suggestions on how to improve it?
Awesome song Kimon!
I like the sound of the distorted rhythms but they are a bit low in the mix
Cleans sound very cool, so do the strings
Not a huge fan on the kick here, but I guess it works
What a great song! :notworthy Totally diggin´the singer´s performance.

This is kind of music I like the most! Cannot say any negative about the mix - it´s tip top.

I love the way the song ends, great harmonics. Also wanna mention your solo - 10/10

I´m very excited about your stuff, Kimon...seriosuly. It´s fucking awesome!
Thanks for the kind word guys, I really appreciate it. I must say it's really nice to hear people are enjoying the song because, like I said, I've heard it so many times and I was starting to have doubts if it's any good ;).
Thanks for the kind word guys, I really appreciate it. I must say it's really nice to hear people are enjoying the song because, like I said, I've heard it so many times and I was starting to have doubts if it's any good ;).

I hear ya, man. I rejected 2 of my songs completely, cause I had terrible doubts, back then. After 1000 times listening to the same, it´s impossible to rate own stuff. It´s worth a lot getting some feedback from other musicians.

Be sure, your songs is class a! Will there be an album or EP & will this be pressed on CD?
Thanks Felix!

This song is part of a 4-song EP I've been working on for some time. This is not for my personal project though (escalation), it's with a new (full) band so it has some differences since I write the music with the other guitarist. The band is called Psycrence and you can hear all 4 songs in our myspace page. We're planing to make a few CDs, so when it's ready I'd be happy to send you a copy if you're interested.
are the toms panned?? they sound a bit in the middle. everything sounds very nicely balanced to me other than that. good job! +1 to those really nice clean tones

Yes the toms are panned, maybe not enough? but you can clearly hear it at around 3:04.

update: upon closer inspection, maybe the 2nd tom is a little too close to the floor tom. I'll look into it, thanks.
Thanks Felix!

This song is part of a 4-song EP I've been working on for some time. This is not for my personal project though (escalation), it's with a new (full) band so it has some differences since I write the music with the other guitarist. The band is called Psycrence and you can hear all 4 songs in our myspace page. We're planing to make a few CDs, so when it's ready I'd be happy to send you a copy if you're interested.

Awesome! :kickass: I´m interested, indeed.