Check out this mix, opinions needed (real(kinda) drums, roadster/6505)


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
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Hey guys, I've been working on this mix for hours trying some stuff, it's been quite some time since I last mixed a song and I'm kinda rusty. I think it's coming out descent, although I'm sure I'll want to make changes tomorrow. I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions on this mix,

Guitars were reamped by James Stephenson (TheShred) and are 2 tracks 6505 and 2 mesa roadster. Drums are real, but they are edited and triggered so much that in the end I'm not sure what to call them :).


Btw, this time it's the whole song, towards the end there's small solo trade off with the other guitarist of the band. My solos are the 1st and 3rd.
Let me know what you think of the mix now, opinions about the song are welcomed also .
I think it sounds good, but the two weak points are the snare and the vocals in my opinion. Maybe they just need to come down in volume and put a touch more reverb on them, but they seem to stick out while everything else gels together.
I think it sounds good, but the two weak points are the snare and the vocals in my opinion. Maybe they just need to come down in volume and put a touch more reverb on them, but they seem to stick out while everything else gels together.

What the snare needs it´s brightness because it´s muffled and it needs some reverb. The bass is a little boomy and lacks definition.
Ok guys, thanks for the answers so far and I appreciate the advice. I worked on the mix some more these past few days and here's an updated (and hopefully improved) version:

Btw, this time it's the whole song, towards the end there's small solo trade off with the other guitarist of the band. My solos are the 1st and 3rd.
Let me know what you think of the mix now, opinions about the song are welcomed also ;).
The guitars sit in a totally different place than the snare and the rest of the drums. Same with the vocals. Everything sounds good, it just needs to be spatially relevant. Right now, it sounds like 3 different people tracked this song - it sounds like parts, not a cohesive band sound.

I hope that helps.
sounds cool, but the snare is dead in the front of your mix. it needs reverb for this kind of music (IMO).
I really like the riffing and the guitar tone. The instruments in the mix sound good, but the only thing that stands out is the drums. The snare is quite loud (to me anyways) and doesn't seem to fit. Also, is there any compression done on the vox? They don't seem to "fit" in the mix that well for some reason. Not sure why. Anyway dude, the whole thing as-is I like. My only (minor) complaints would just be doing something to the snare and vox. :) Nice writing btw. Good song and solos!

Edit: the vox sound good in the chorus but in the intro verses it sounds off. Did you do something different to them in the different parts?
Ok, seems that the mix still needs some work :(. I'll try to fix the problems you guys pointed out. Mixing this song, and especially the drums, is giving me a headache.

uber: Thanks man. The vox treatment is the same throughout the whole song, but I think I see what you mean, I'll look into it as well.
Ok, I've updated the last link. I think I've had a breakthrough on the drums sitting better on the mix, but it may very well be my imagination and my tired ears.
Tell me if I'm on the right track at all... :)
After another really cut a little bit of that click off the bass drum, gets a little fatiguing in the constant parts. Snare still sounds really raw and tubby to me, is that a live snare or 2.0?

Perhaps also drop that intro lead down a little bit in level?
The snare is mostly superior2, roger woods snare, there is some of the natural snare in there too though. As far as the snare goes I'm out of ideas, I've tried EQing around 180hz for more body and boost some high to brighten it up and there's plenty of reverb in there, possibly it's the sample itself that's the problem? I'm using this sample because the drummer prefers it, although I did try briefly using the other snares but I didn't seem to have better results. I guess I'll keep experimenting with it.

As for the bass drum I'm still struggling to find a balance between being clicky and cutting through the mix.