I need some insight fella's(my guitar's suck and I'm no good)

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
This is one of my personal projects, So I really want to make it the best I possible can of course. I have continued to struggle with guitars . I dunno any insight would be awesome...


Also the Rms on this is -10.....so it's still a little low by standards. you think i could get away with another db or is to burnt already?

the lyrics to this song was inspired by The Thing by John Carpenter
I know there are a few horror fans here. thought I would post the lyrics too,something different for a change.

A thousand miles from nowhere
An organism that imitates life
Nobody trust anybody
We're gonna draw a little bit of blood
We're gonna find out who the thing is
Burn the Replica
A shape shifting alien
Buried within the frozen ground
I know I am human
I don't know if I can say the same for you
There's still activity in these burned remains
Crawl away from a hot needle
There's a storm that's heading for us
Over the horizon

Quarantine the burnt remains
Every part of him a whole
Every piece an individual animal
with a burning desire
to protect it's own life

We're not getting out of here alive

Begin the autopsy
Quarantine all personnel
Nobody trust anybody
We're gonna find out where it's hiding
Test the blood and see who's lying
Flush it out and kill it now or
Burn the station to the ground

Burn the Replica
wow dude thanks for the compliment . This is my 3rd mix through my Mackie Onyx 400f...So i'm still learning that......like BlackNeonBob said since upgrading my converter , I'm now hearing alot of things I haven't heard before. But i dunno something is up in the mid frequencies of the guitar. I can't pinpoint it.... thanks again for listening
hey man, dont bash yourself, the mis sounds preety awesome, you using slate drums? what snare is that+processing? quite like it, alot

i know what you mean about guitars they seemed to be the weakest link at the moment, what you using for them?

good job though man
hey man, dont bash yourself, the mis sounds preety awesome, you using slate drums? what snare is that+processing? quite like it, alot

i know what you mean about guitars they seemed to be the weakest link at the moment, what you using for them?

good job though man

I'm just frustrated with myself, i don't mean to bash

Hey thanks dude . yeah those are slate samples
snare12a + blacksnare - RComp - gclip

guitar i used gibson les paul > 8505>catharsis/recabinet impulses
yeah dude, this is insanely good i think you need to take a rest sit back and then come back and listen to it, you will be like FUCK YES
those drums are... KILLER! and i mean KILLER! everything is more than good, great job indeed...
guitars can be more in your face... but man x) :) great job! all best!
True, it sounds really great. On my crap speakers I'd put the bass a little higher though, but if all the experienced awesome dudes before me didn't comment on it you might just disregard what I said.

The guitars sound crushing IMO.
I reckon the bass could come up a little bit. And give that shit some 60hz man, where is the epic world ending apocalyptic subbass shit? D:
As for the guitars, they could probably be thickened up a little bit. Add some 200hz! :) they sound a bit undergained too for that breakdown during the "BURN THE REPLICAAAA" section too man. Just not feeling the heavyness. I reckon you could generally get away with a more saturated tone. That or when you play that section, move your hand more over the bridge when you palm mute, rather than sitting on the left edge of it. Try and find that balance between the palm mute being well.. a palm mute and being just a chord.
Check All Shall Perish - Wage Slaves for what I mean. right before the breakdown where he screams "TAKE IT BAAAACK" or whatever, listen to the soloed guitar there. Listen to the palm mutes, they ring out for a fair bit. Move your hand more over the bridge for that sound, and that part of the song would work better, plus gain up the guitars a little more.
The vocals sound great though man, maybe you could thicken them up a bit more though.
I'd love to hear some epic delay on them as well. Automate up a delay on certain words to add impact.

one final thing, for the burn the replicaaaaa breakdown at the end, automate in a huge, ass, neverending reverb that goes on for miles. Ultra stylish.

actually one more thing. i'd say the centered distorted guitar during the ending (the ambient-ish part) should go. just feels weird and adds this amateurish feel to a song for 30 seconds thats otherwise sounded professionally written as fuck.
also, love the vocoder man! sick as fuck!
I'd say turn them up a little bit, double track that part and pan them out a little bit, add an epic delay to the opposite side. So for the vocals on the right hand side, have a delay on the left, and vice versa.
That would be SICK.
btw, if you want to maintain that crunchy character on top of adding some sustain and br00talz of the guitars, if the song's quad tracked then have 2 of the tracks sounding like they do now, and 2 of the tracks being more saturated and spongy and gainy and delicious blended in to taste
Dude, this sounds really great, really diggin' everything about it. The only things I would say from my end are the guitars I think could be slightly more saturated, just a smidge more gain basically, if using a TS just turn the level up a tiny bit or somethin, doesn't need much more really. The overall volume of the guitars, for my taste, could be little bit higher, it's pretty drum-centric for my tastes currently but that is just a taste thing really. And I have to agree on bringing the bass up too, I'm finding myself wanting a little more fatness to the overall sound, and when I thought that I noticed the bass wasn't as present as I'd like.

Overall, though, this is a bitchin mix, I think you should take a break for a bit on it and pat yourself on the back!
Fucking Awesome dudes. I so much appreciate all the Feedback....Yeah i'm going to rest on it for awhile. and take all these message's and work my way down ...
Thanks TheXRatedDodo alot of cool stuff there for sure.....
Hah, what a mix!

Don't worry too much man, you have got your basics down and it sounds great allready.. highlight being the drums.. wow.
What kick did you use man?

I think the guitars can come a bit in volume, and the bass does it's work but can could be louder in the mix as well if you'd ask me.
The guitars have a nice character, but when the palmmutes hit at the end of the song (burn the replica) they have no "oomph" and don't ring out as much as i would want them to, not sure if you are aiming for that or not, but that might be worth looking into.

That's it, nothing to add.. it sounds great allready, the mix is solid and with some altering it will a beast of a song (great structure and writing too by the way).
Thanks Robert i appreciate the words i used the good ole 10z1 for the low thud and the black kick for the top end.......but it's way to punchy like mentioned before so i need to deal with that.

TheXRatedDodo good call on the 60hz on the bass and 200hz on the guitar. i pulled my mix up tonight and played with those and wow stuff really fell into place. i will post an updated version up in a few days....

thanks all