I need speaker help


New Metal Member
Aug 24, 2006
The United States of Whatevah
I'm building guitar cabs. Celestion V-30's with G12H's, or should I stick with all V-30's?

also, does anyone one have experience with using Eminence speakers like the Red Coat? does anyone like the sound, are they worth the price?

I need help!

So...are you saying that you're building a single cab...like for yourself, or you're starting like a cabinet building company up?

As far as Eminence speakers go, I've only ever heard good things about them, no personal experience though. One thing I can say though is that I'm pretty sure there's a reason why everyone pretty much uses Celestions (and V30's at that) in their cabs. For heavier music anyway. Also a popular choice for the heavier side of things are the T75's. Eminence supposedly makes good "clones" of these speakers, but again no personal experience. Also, IMO unless you are doing some other style of music besides heavy stuff, that's when speaker experimenting with "specialty" speakers should come into play...we already know what works for sure with metal, etc.

RaraAvisRenascor said:
I'm building guitar cabs. Celestion V-30's with G12H's, or should I stick with all V-30's?

also, does anyone one have experience with using Eminence speakers like the Red Coat? does anyone like the sound, are they worth the price?

I need help!


Mixing those speakers gives you a lot more of an option when mic'ing the cab. however you might get some weird phase issues going on inside the cab.

I own a few Eminence speakers. 10" Copperhead, 10" delta demon, 12" The Governor. eminence has those tonal descriptions on their site for the patriot/redcoat series and in my experience those are very accurate. so check them all out and make your purchases based on those descriptions.

The Governor is supposedly similar to a celestion v30, so while having owned both of these I'll share my impression:

The eminence is more articulate and clear sounding. there is less harshness to the sound around 5k, where my v30 sounded NASTY in a bad way. however the v30 had more low end, more warmth, and more body. the v30 sounded warmer but the governor was much easier to work with when mixing.

The 10" eminence I have were an interesting experiment. the Delta Demon sounded terrible for metal, there was no high end or upper mids at all, so all the bite of pick attack was gone. however it fit the description on their site rather well. the copperhead is a really cool speaker. it's raunchy as fuck, however lacks low end (well it IS a 10") and warmth. definitely a cool sounding speaker though. I have fun with that speaker, and it ends up mixing really well because it's all mid and upper-mid, so the kick drum automatically has a ton of power in a mix.

overall I think eminence are cool, and better priced than celestion, but it all depends on what you're looking for. if you want articulation I think you'll find it with eminence, but if you want warmth you'd better go with the celestion vintage speakers.

just my impressions. other's might have totally different experiences.
well, i really want a sound that will cut through, i dont want a thin sound, but at the same time i want note distinction and clarity for chords. my band doesn't play heavy heavy music, but we have our moments though. idk i just want something with a big sound and clarity. thanx for everyone's help so far!