I need to know some good songs...........


Break me...Hurt me...
Jul 12, 2004
I really like songs like When Silent gods stand Guard and Victorious march..............does anyone know of some other songs like these?
well... in a situation such as this where one is attempting to obtain some songs that sound like a couple songs that one heard by a certain band I would usually suggest that the target person should go out and obtain several other songs written and performed by the same band considering most bands songs sound similar enough to identify the performer... unless of course the band in question is Stone Temple Pilots who sound different everytime they sing a fucking song... my drunken babbling will now conclude
I just want to know what they sound like in different songs, I do want to go buy a c.d., I just want to know what one, and if it's worth buying........
well, you're in luck, because AA is fairly consistent album by album. If you like the particular sound of Victorious March. pretty much the whole Once Sent From the Golden Hall cd is gonna tickle your fancy. THe same is true with Silent Gods and Vs. The World, so get those 2 discs and you'll be doin just fine
Thrymfal said:
well, you're in luck, because AA is fairly consistent album by album. If you like the particular sound of Victorious March. pretty much the whole Once Sent From the Golden Hall cd is gonna tickle your fancy. THe same is true with Silent Gods and Vs. The World, so get those 2 discs and you'll be doin just fine
lol @ saying tickle your fancy