I need you guys to help me improve my mix!


Jan 12, 2010
Atlanta, GA
All the guitars are lecto with impulses. I cant remember off the top of my head which impulse. Bass is running through LeXTAC with a bass cab impulse. Drums are slate and Sturgis. The band just came down to do vocals. Any suggestions from you good forum guys would be super appreciated cause I'm recording 5 more songs for them.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17596348/Dr.Prada New Bass.mp3

I know it clips BTW. They wanted it ULTRA loud.
Actual Mix Critiques: The guits have too much gain and could come down a hair.

Personal tastes: The vox effects are cool, but the gangs couldve been tracked better. By that I mean with more people or just tracked more times, they seem to lack.
The gangs gave me trouble. we recorded it 3 times with all 7 people in different places. I did a room mic too. I probably just need to process them better. Thanks dude!