I need your feedback

Well, i like it. It's simple and i think it will serve its purpose. :)
i just think you should write "or answer to", not "answers";)

edit: i took "answer" as a verb, but that's just the hungry and ill brain of a siren. :p
heh. that's a weird website indeed... can't you use some sleeker fonts for the green "capil maraj" words? if you use something fancy such as fireworks you can create some neater effects to make typing look more ad-like. :)
oh, and "answers" seems perfectly allright to me since you didn't add "any" before and considering "information" shouldn't be pluralised anyway.
i would even compliment you on how well your site will serve its purpose if i had any idea of what it is. :)
I need your feedback
Hold on... let me get my microphone and put it right next to my amp.
Looks pretty good except you may wish to get a domain for it (no ads) to look more professional.

The font could be changed to something "shinier" like arial. Don't use fireworks or cursor effects, they look teenybopperish.

Overall, good work. :)